Develop a Knack for Straightening Your Back
BY: Judith Rasband • Jul 07, 2017
“Relax your jaw. Straighten your back. Relax your shoulders. Three deep breaths. Meditate for one minute.”
Good posture is a matter of concern for everyone regardless of age. How does your posture “stand up” to scrutiny? Let’s find out.
If you’re standing in bare feet and wearing form-fitting clothes, you can evaluate your posture in front of a full-length, three-way mirror at home or in a store. (Just smile brightly when the clerk walks by and wonders what in the world you’re doing.)
You might prefer to have a friend take your picture, both front and side views. Whatever your method, assume a relaxed but normal stance, with your weight evenly distributed over both feet. Don’t attempt to correct your posture at this point.
From the side, hang a weighted string at the top of the mirror or draw a vertical line on your picture. The string or line should bisect your ear and neck, the tip of your shoulder and arm at the elbow, pass the back of your wrist, bisect your hip joint, and then pass slightly in front of the knee center and slightly in front of the ankle.
If these means are not available, you can check your posture by standing up next to a wall. Good posture is evident if the back of your head, shoulders, shoulder blades, buttocks, and heels touch the wall. You should be able to insert your hand in the space between the wall and your back near the waist.
What you’re after is a balanced alignment of your body. The head and neck should be centered over the shoulders with the chin at the same level or parallel to the floor. You don’t want a double chin that results from tucking the head in or down, nor do you want that “eager-beaver” or “hand-dog” look that comes when you thrust your head too far forward.
When your back is straight, your shoulders should be squarely set, not hunched up as if bristled against the world, and yet not slumped as if the world has already defeated you.
Don’t squeeze your shoulder blades together — that’s strictly for West Point. Your chest should be lifted slightly without arching your back. You may notice that your breath comes more easily with good posture.
Abdominal muscles should be tightened or “pulled in.” Notice I said “pull” it in, not “suck” it in. You don’t have to hold your breath. Let your muscles do the work.
Your hips should be leveled, not tilted forward. Tighten and tuck your behind “under,” don’t let it “sway” back.
Let your arms hang relaxed at your sides, with the elbow slightly bent forward. Your knees should be straight but not stiff, relaxed but not bent.
With your feet slightly apart and toes pointing straight, slightly rock back and forth until your body weight is balanced evenly between the heels and soles of your feet.
Don’t be disheartened if you discover your posture is less than perfect. You can improve or correct it if you really want to. It just takes commitment, practice, and exercise.
If you’ve slumped around for years, it won’t be easy and it may feel awkward at first. Give yourself time to “straighten things out.” It may take weeks or even months to re-learn good posture habits, but it can be done.
Stand next to a wall and assume a “corrected” posture. Then walk away from the wall, hold this posture for a minute, and see how it feels. Keep a mental image of how your good posture looks and feels as you sit, stand, and walk.
Remember to “walk tall” and you will carry yourself into a more healthful and promising future. You’ll feel like, “Look out world, here I come!”