Dear G, I am not getting along with my co-workers
BY: Admin • Jul 13, 2023
I work in customer service. I enjoy figuring out how to help people and I think I am quite capable. However, I am not doing so well at getting along with my co-workers. I just want to do my work well and it feels like I am still in high school rather than a workplace sometimes, with the cliques and all the gossip. There is so much drama going on, it could be a TV show. What can I do to improve my situation?
Hi No-to-drama!
I understand what you mean. A lot of people have had similar experiences. It can seem like the faces have changed, and the cast of characters has grown older but the social dynamics that existed in school are still present.
Okay. The bad news: unless you live on an island, you have to deal with people. Where there are people, there will be relationship issues and rumors. You can’t have zero gossip. Even the most professional companies have staff conflicts and rumors.
It’s about power. It’s about personalities. It’s about kindness. The last one usually plays a bigger part than many realize. Have you been unkind to anyone? Did you step on someone’s toes? Did you make someone feel bad? We always hear that we should keep our emotions out of the office but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
The good news: you are aware of the situation. You may not know exactly what happened but you can make a few guesses. You can figure out the facts, analyze the situation and make adjustments to your attitude and actions.
Sometimes, the solution is easy. Smile and be friendly a bit more. If you made a mistake or hurt someone, apologize and make amends. Be more appreciative. As we learned in kindergarten, please and thank you are the most important words.
Learn to ignore gossip. This is tough for many people because gossip can be fun and entertaining. Gossip is like the weather. It is pointless to get angry because it is raining hard. You find ways to weather the storms.
Focus on work but be kind. Smile, be polite, and help when you can. Be friendly but don’t feel pressured to be extra nice to anyone. The rest will fall into place.
Keep moving forward,
G (Ginny Angeles)
Dear No-to-Drama,
You are not a god (or goddess). You do not have a monopoly on truths and answers. So, chill!
Your position in customer service is also not an indication that you should be nice to everyone. Cliques are everywhere and their existence is necessary. I feel sorry for you if you feel that you seem to be back in high school. No, dear. It is not only in high school where cliques and gossips thrive. That’s basically the life outside of your own home. Get used to it.
So how do we deal with drama at work? Take the following to heart:
- First, ignore the drama. Life becomes a drama if you get involved in its existence. Do not be a part of it. Denial is another thing. Denying the existence of drama and ignoring it are two different things. Be wise.
- Second, ignore the drama. Their drama is their own. It is not yours.
- Third, ignore the drama. Just work and do your best and aim for the best in customer service award. Let your goal drive you to perfection.
- Fourth, ignore the drama and let them be.
These advice will greatly help you at work.
Directed by,
Also G (Gin Estrabon)
This article was previously published in the printed issue of The Corporate Magazine, Guide and Style for Professionals.
Note: If you need advice, please email Dear G at [email protected].