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Dear Friend

BY: Rhoanne Ramas • Jul 26, 2019

Dear friend, how many times has it been? Three? Five? I think I’ve lost count already. I can feel that my mental note is already filled up to its limits. Though, I hope that’s not the case.

Believe me, I can still recall the moments when I would sit beside you as you cry your eyes out as another guy suddenly decides that you are not worth the fight anymore. You know what, there is subtle torture that builds up when you are outside, looking in. It’s not easy to witness your state when you walk along the hallways, with your eyes all puffy and hollow. It’s as if your soul has decided to leave the shell of your body to fend for itself. It’s a nightmare every time I see you masking the pain with an empty smile.

Do you have any idea how devastating it is to see you crumble because someone didn’t know how to appreciate your worth? I think you do, it’s just that you’re too overwhelmed by your emotions to care.

Friend… Why do you allow yourself to be treated in such a way?

You, who are beautiful, talented and kind,

You, who only strives to support others into their journey in life.

You, who shimmers in brilliance as you wholeheartedly, offer whatever you, can to help others.

You, whose only wish is to live a life that is filled with love and purpose,

Why does it feel like you don’t see your value as an individual?

Why do you always run towards the guys who tend to keep you on the sidelines?

Why? Why?

I know that I’ve been sounding like a broken cassette tape. I know that you heard this for a thousand times in different tones and delivery. I know that you are getting fed up with the same old lines that I kept on saying over and over again. But, I strongly feel that I have to do it simply because you needed to be reminded about things that seem to continuously slip through your consciousness.

So let me write this down for you.

Friend, this must be cliché but I want you to remember that there are things in life that shouldn’t be rushed. Allow yourself to acknowledge the emotion that rushes through your being. May it be feelings of isolation, pain, or numbness? All these things are valid. They are yours to make sense of, in your own timing. Take it one step at a time. This isn’t a race. Try your best to just be.

Friend, I give you my word, I will do whatever I can to journey with you. There are lots of people around you who are prepared to support you in this. We are here and we care about you even if you, yourself, don’t. But you have to make the decision to take the first step in moving forward. It takes a lot of willingness to pick up the broken pieces. I know it hurts and I know you’re tired. Rest, if you must. Then continue when you’re ready. The important thing is that you will make the commitment to rekindle your individuality as you go in this journey.

Please allow yourself to heal.

The love that you kept on running after, maybe it’s about time that you try to give that to yourself first. Allow yourself to see your own value. Friend, if only you could see your worth through my eyes. Maybe that will help you see how important you are. If only I could, believe me, I would’ve done that a long time ago. So I hope this will make you realize how much the people around you care.

Friend, remember the moments when you kept on saying that there is a right time for everything? That patience will pay off eventually. I couldn’t agree more. I hope this time; you will really practice patience, with yourself.

Dear friend, I hope you’ll be able to take time to love and care for yourself. Discover and be fascinated with who you are. Explore what life has to offer the world. Don’t settle with just any guys and be aware of how valuable you are.  You are far more precious than you seem to realize. So please, don’t settle for just anything.

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