Image Management

Business World Wants Workers With Manners

BY: Judith Rasband • Sep 12, 2022

The former Chairman Emeritus of McDonnell Douglas Corp. and once Chairman of the Character Education Partnership Mr. Sanford N. McDonnell states “The business world doesn’t need people who are highly creative but irresponsible, or who have great intellectual knowledge but don’t care about others”.  Research reveals that people who practice correct manners and social skills tend to care more for others.  They have an impact that is more positive on others than on those who do not.  What the business world wants, McDonnell continues, “are people with character.”  Good manners are little acts of kindness that add up to the character.

Many high-powered executives may have handled businesses with ill-mannered brute force and are ignorant of the offense that these manners bring to others.  Many younger managers are known for abusive or crude language, poor restaurant habits, and boorish office manners.  Imagine the time and energy wasted by employees brooding over an arrogant remark, or an international representative insulted by an impolite gesture.  And think about the numbers of customers or clients’ business persons who might lose business due to obnoxious behavior.  Success is important in one’s life but we must know how to retain and be in control of our behavior. We must be conscious of good manners.

The Research Institute of America once presented statistics that reflect how the treatments extended to the consuming public turn into the following quantifiable business reactions;

  • 96% of unhappy people never complain about discourtesy;
  • Yet, up to 91% of these individuals make a point of not doing business with the company or organization again; and,
  • Moreover, 13% of these people tell at least 20 other people about the poor service that they had received.

Indeed, if you want to make a sale or advance your career, it would be foolish to ignore the importance of good manners.  Good manners are essential in business, whether it is in negotiating a business contract or selling products in the global marketplace.  With more companies, worldwide, selling the same product, customers have an array of choices and will select the person and company who treats them well.  It’s a matter of outclassing the competition.

It’s important to show courtesy to other people, their culture, and customs.  It may not make or break the deal, but it certainly shows a sensitivity that can only help.  More business deals are done either in the dining room or at the boardroom table.  While they may not sign on the dotted line, they make the decision there.  Savvy in the dining room, as well as the boardroom, becomes an issue of importance.

The fact is manners maybe even more important in business relations today than ever before because they’ve gotten so bad.

Image Group Resource Group, Inc. reported that;

  • 80% of executives and top managers tend to practice impeccable manners.
  • Only 40% of middle managers practice good manners.
  • Barely 12% of new employees practice any manners at all.
  • 60% of corporate executives want to make sure that employees know and practice good manners in and out of the office.

Realizing the impact of manners and etiquette as it affects the bottom line, companies are putting out substantial money to get their people up to speed, even paying for etiquette lessons and training.  Well-mannered employees with social skills, who act properly and with assurance, have a noticeably positive impact.  They are polished, pleasant, and more cooperative to deal with.  A polished employee is one of the most cost-effective ways for a business to generate positive public relations.  This is good for business and translates into increased business income and a better bottom line.

Business World Wants Workers With Manners was initially published in The Corporate, Guide and Style for Professionals Magazine’s Issue No. 14.

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