Safety & Security

The Pinoy Driving Traits

BY: Pancho Adelberto Hubilla • Apr 03, 2017

[vc_row][vc_column][thb_gap height=”15″][vc_column_text]The Metro Manila roads are definitely congested. There are no thorough and proper implementation of traffic and road use regulations. There may not even be regulations to implement or to even speak of. The road users (drivers and pedestrians) defy the logic of order and regulations. Government erected outrageously physically challenging elevated pedestrian walkways that the elderlies and persons with different abilities cannot access without assistance. The never ending road constructions, pipeline diggings, and other what haves you make vehicles swerve with exciting speed and unpredictable direction to avoid those road obstructions. Street children cavort in the middle of the roads. The short of it could be said that we are into helter-skelter personified. I decided to compile a few observations that may help road users live another day.[/vc_column_text][thb_gap height=”25″][vc_column_text]

  1. Watch Out – Pinoys cannot distinguish when to use the break, the horn, and the headlight flash.

Are you still using your signal flasher to change lane when a space break presented that may accommodate you? If you are, quit this good driving practice because it will bring you nowhere. 99.9% the guy behind you will amazingly accelerate, madly blow his horn as if telling you that you must not be ahead of him, and insanely flash his headlights warning that the worst will happen to you if you will be ahead of him. This attitude was usually referred to as Pinoy machismo but of late even the ladies are doing it too.[/vc_column_text][thb_gap height=”25″][vc_column_text]

  1. PUVs as stress traffic causing phenomenon.

For as long as I can remember, traffic regulations prohibit buses from piling up and occupying more than one lane in designated bus stops for passenger pick-ups and downloads. There was even an attempt during MMDA Chairman Tolentino’s time to limit the passenger pick-up time. But lo and behold. This is similar with the famous jeepneys. Jeepneys will pick up and download passengers anywhere anytime and the most customer-oriented service provided is to wait for passengers in the worst places that will definitely cause traffic jam. We must also take extra precaution when driving at night. The jeepneys do not switch-on their headlights. What is on are the cabin lights. Thus, in changing lanes be on the lookout for what appear to be moving conference rooms. As a people let us take pride that we can craft rules and regulations to institute order but do not be too demanding by expecting that those rules and regulations may be implemented. The idiomatic expression of ‘you can’t have a cake and ate it too’ applies.

Pray for patience and hope that your gut feel guides you.[/vc_column_text][thb_gap height=”25″][vc_column_text]

  1. Implements that may be hazardous to fellow motorists

What is the office that regulates the functionalities of a motor vehicle? What are the agencies that must enforce the existing regulations? Have anyone noticed large trucks with fog lights in the middle of their trailers directly focused on the windshield if not driver’s position of an overtaking vehicle? Have anyone noticed the proliferation of blinding LED front lights aside from the specified headlights and fog lights? Have anyone told the jeepney drivers that they must switch on their headlights not only for their safety but for other motorists as well?[/vc_column_text][thb_gap height=”40″][vc_column_text]

“Drive cautiously on this road of life because people will turn on you with no signal.”

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  1. The ‘wang wang’

I am a bit surprised that after six years without ‘wang-wang’ on the roads there seem to be a resurgence of siren blaring vehicles. The vehicles I have seen with sirens on aside from fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars were not postal delivery vans but private plated vehicles. It would be greatly interesting what would be the correct answer if a policeman on a crossroad has to decide which must take precedence among the fire truck, ambulance, police car, or private plated black SUVs.

Truly, I will pity the poor fellow who will be in the crossroad of his career.[/vc_column_text][thb_gap height=”25″][vc_column_text]

  1. Pinoys ingenuity on the road

Traffic counterflows are initiated in exigencies to decongest and speed up the traffic flow. It was never intended as a driving mode to retrograde from Point B to Point A. Imagine that you are driving on the outermost lane because you are nearing your turning point or to enter a parking area and then you are on a head-to-head situation with a counterflowing vehicle with a mean looking driver staring at you.

Who said life is easy? Suddenly we realize that rules and regulation may be nice if observed.


For comments, questions and suggestions, please email us at [email protected].[/vc_column_text][thb_gap height=”30″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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