Grooming & Style

Tips on Defensive Dressing

BY: Judith Rasband • Jan 30, 2023

Defensive driving is a familiar phrase and lifesaving energy.  Now consider the phrase, defensive dressing.  It can be equally life-saving.  Certainly, no one has the right to harass, abuse or attack a woman under any circumstances.  Nonetheless, our world is not a perfect place and common sense dictates that a woman is responsible for her dress.  She cannot afford to dress to invite harassment, abuse, or attack of any kind, including robbery or rape.

Clothing cues can make statements about us and often trigger a response.  A woman may dress in a manner she considers simply fashionable or attractive, yet it may cause her to appear provocative or sexy, weak or submissive.  She risks attracting negative attention and action, such as harassment or attack.  If unaware or unwilling to recognize clothing cues that may stimulate negative attention, she risks the same response again and again.  Her clothes are working against her.  It’s safer and smarter to practice defensive dressing.  Add to that, body language can strengthen the total look and effect.

Defensive dressing can include any of the following details of dress:

  • Cover-up styles and body-baring styles speak louder than words.
  • Opaque fabric, nothing transparent.
  • Loose, easy fit – nothing tight.
  • Shoulder pads lift and expand body boundaries, causing you to appear larger, stronger, and more capable of taking care of yourself.
  • A vest with a zipper pocket, or concealed pocket in the back, provides a place for money, credit cards, license, passport, etc.
  • Layered clothing may allow you to pull quickly out of the top layer sweater or jacket and run.
  • Inexpensive jewelry, nothing of value.
  • Glasses in simple styles give you a stronger, more serious look.  Some can even be intimidating.
  • Dark glasses allow you to observe the people around you without making direct eye contact.
  • Walking shoes with lower heels and sports shoes allow you to move more quickly and safely like sandals, mules, slingbacks, and high heels reduce your ability to maneuver or run.
  • A lightweight, flat canvas money belt or bag can be worn under your clothes, providing a more subtle and secure safety space.
  • A shoulder bag, briefcase, umbrella, or belt with a sturdy metal buckle can land quite a blow, giving you time to run.
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