Sales & Marketing

Begin Your Presentation With A Professional Introduction

BY: Judith Rasband • Jan 06, 2023

When we enter the marketplace, it’s hard to become an unbashed, self-promoter.  As a child, most of us are taught not to “toot our own horn.”  We learn it’s crucial, yet get writer’s block when it comes to writing our introduction or bio.  Nonetheless, we must give people a clear idea of what we do and what the benefits of doing business with us are.

How you are introduced to an individual or an audience makes a difference in how you are perceived or received.  While you set the stage when you introduce yourself, your introducer sets the stage for you.  An introducer who is prepared with a good introduction can make you look good.  You need to exercise at least some control over your introduction.  The following tips will help you write your introduction and set the stage more effectively for your presentation.

1.  Write Your Introduction

  • Make it short.  Approximately one minute is long enough.  You don’t want your introduction to sound like an obituary.
  • Make your introduction relevant to the group that you are addressing whenever possible or appropriate.
  • Include the qualifications that make you an authority to speak on the subject.  Include information that will establish your credibility.
  • Omit extensive educational history, family background, and hobbies unless they relate directly to the subject.  A one-liner about your educational degree is generally appropriate.  Personal information is generally not appropriate for professional groups but may be of interest to civic or social groups.
  • State the title of your program at the beginning or near the end of the introduction.
  • State your name last.  It should be the last thing the audience hears.

2.  Format Your Introduction Clearly

  • Type your introduction in large print, on a card, or on a single sheet of paper.  Use letterhead or include your name, address, and phone number on the paper.
  • At the top of the paper, write something like, “Introducer, Your Job Is Important! It sets the stage for my whole presentation.  Please be upbeat and enthusiastic!  The audience won’t remember all you said, but just how you said it.  At the end of the introduction, please lead applause to bring energy to the group. Thank you!”

3.  Take Time To Meet Your Introducer

  • Always take an extra copy of your introduction with you.  The one you sent may have been lost or the introducer changed at the last minute.
  • Find and meet your introducer before the program.  Many introducers are inexperienced and some are nervous.  Talk with them.
  • Generally, you want your introducer to stick close to the way your introduction is written.  If you are acquainted with your introducer, you may want to encourage him or her to include a personal note in the introduction.  
  • If your personal or company name is difficult to pronounce, make sure the introducer has the correct pronunciation.
  • Ask your introducer to make any announcements prior to introducing you, not after.
  • Find out how the event will end after your presentation so you can conclude appropriately.
  • Position yourself, ready to come to the front of the room, before the introduction begins.

4.  Follow-up

  • Thank your introducer for the effort.
  • Take advantage of that fine and complementary introduction.  Take a response page to be filled out by attendees, checking off what seminar topics or services they would be interested in, which they return to you before leaving.  Call them soon after.

Note: This article was previously published in the printed issue of The Corporate, Guide and Style for Professionals Magazine.

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