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The Role of Stories in my STORY

BY: Joanne Trina Moreno - Javier, RPsy • Dec 01, 2022

 “Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.” Robin Moore 

Telling stories is a natural human phenomenon. It is a fundamental tool and skill that allows expression, meaning-making, socialization, and sharing of ideas. Telling stories has a significant role in constructing one’s meaning in life. In these stories, the goals of a person are embedded. Such goals are important to look into, so that direction and meaning in life are given importance. 

Stories have been, and are still, my way of connecting to people across the roles I play. Allow me to share my stories about my journey with my STORY.

  1.  As a parent

Ever since my daughter was an infant, she has been exposed to stories, through the books that I read to her. It came in the progression, of course, starting with simple hard-bound books with pictures only until she learned how to read on her own, and would therefore only see words on each page. Aside from the practice, telling her stories about my childhood and creating stories with an intended “value-teaching” was also a constant. Because of this, she has extended her interest in stories with her interaction with her friends. I often hear her say, “I have a story about a girl…” or ask her grandparents, “can you tell me a story about…” It has allowed me to share with her the opportunity to explore human interactions creatively. 

2.  A good way to “connect” with clients in my profession

The importance of stories has been further highlighted when I immersed myself in my work at residential shelters. Stories were my way to connect with the residents who shared their own stories when they were given the opportunity. It was also a way for me to gather information from social workers, house parents, and shelter staff. It was a safe and spontaneous avenue for myself and the clients. It can also serve as a therapeutic process for those who are not allowed to share their stories: whether real or imagined. For some, their stories give them a blueprint of how they see their lives from an outside perspective. 

3.  A tool for facilitating and giving talks

As I attended a Training and Development workshop last month, I was specifically drawn to facilitators who used stories at the onset of their presentation. It serves as a powerful tool in gaining my interest. I have observed how others appear to give more attention too when stories are told. Similarly, I find myself being more receptive to the ideas, concepts, and information that are conveyed through a story. Having this in mind, I have now utilized stories when I speak in class or training that I conduct myself. More often than not, across developmental stages, I am more able to capture the audience when I utter the phrase, “I have a story about…” I admittedly am still in the process of mastering this skill. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the “power” of stories in speaking before a crowd has helped me become better at this craft. 

4.  In the corporate setting

Prior to my actual “experience” of stories at the corporate set-up, I have always thought that the use of stories does not have a place in such an area. It came as a complete surprise when my organization was tapped for support in a project for a multi-national company… and stories take a central role in meeting the objectives. It further extended my thoughts on how vast the possibilities stories could hold.

The organization wanted to lay down its story to its employees, by figuring out how each individual employee’s story fit into the company’s story. How through these stories, the employees are able to weave out their purpose and see if it is a match with the organization’s purpose and vision. It allowed the employees to tell their stories based on identified themes. Through the themes, they were able to pick out their “purpose,” through statements that they create at the end of the workshop. It is a brave and risky program since there will definitely be those who will find a disconnect with their organization and individual stories. However, it was also an important tool to “engage” those whose stories match with that of the organization. Essentially, a more engaged and connected employee will most likely equate to effective performance.  

Additionally, storytelling can be a powerful tool in business tool. It is essential if you intend to build a business with a lasting brand. It will serve as a strong identifying mark, should it be told appropriately. Celinne Da Costa, of Forbes publication (retrieved from the Internet: suggested eight benefits of strategic storytelling namely (a) stories engage the left and right brain; (b) stories appeal to the different learning styles; (c) stories give the opportunity to be original; (d) stories give instant credibility; (e) stories establish involvement; (f) stories create bond and bridge of commonality; (g) stories can establish you as a respected expert; AND (h) strategic storytelling gives you a competitive edge. All of these emphasize how stories have an important role in business. It may be used in the context of business to make a point about sales, innovation, training, leadership, and so on.

All these in consideration evidently point to how stories play central roles in both work and life situations. More importantly, it empowers us, as we are the main characters of the stories that we create and portray, in the larger scheme of things called our LIFE.

I would not classify myself as “creative” in the usual sense. I appreciate the arts, visual, theatre, music, artistry, etc. I even belong to a group that uses these creative arts as a staple in therapy. I have found my “home” in stories. Through the discovery of how I am able to “unleash” my creativity through this medium, I am able to get a hold of the “creative” part of myself. 

With all that has been said, let me leave you with this statement, that guides me in my journey with the stories of my life: “If it is not your story, do not tell it… but if it is yours, tell it beautifully.”

Note: This article was previously published in the printed issue of “The Corporate, Guide and Style for Professionals Magazine.”

About the author: Ms. Joanne Trina Moreno-Javier, RPsy is a Professor at UA & P and currently finishing her Doctor’s Degree in Psychology at the University of the Philippines.

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