Health & Wellness

Superfoods That Are Within Every Family’s Reach

BY: Rodolfo Desuasido • Sep 24, 2022

The human body is remarkable for its capability to heal itself. Wounds heal as they receive oxygen and nutrients from the blood. Food nutrients absorbed by the blood help the body develop a strong immune system to fight illnesses and repair the body’s damaged cells.

However, the body also needs a boost to enhance its healing capacity. This boost may come from foods that provide vital nutrients to help in the healing process. Some of these foods can prevent cancer or heart disease. Some can lower blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol. Some can even cure illnesses that were already declared hopeless by medical practitioners. And these are the so-called superfoods. They are super because they contain nutrients essential to health and nutrients that are medicinal and a cure.

Superfoods as a buzzword

Modern medicine has found such a cure, some cures have even resulted in undesirable and even dangerous side effects. Take the case of antibiotics. Improper use of antibiotics has created a resistant strain of bacteria known as the “superbug,” which is dangerous to mankind. 

Seekers of alternative cures have found out that some superfoods contain antibiotic properties that could be used safely without producing resistant strains of germs. Thus, superfoods are increasingly becoming popular because they are safe, cheap, and sometimes, even more, effective to use.

Easily and locally available

Below are some superfoods already proven by solid research to have amazing health benefits. A few are listed here because they are very much available in the Philippines and are easily within reach. Take note, however, that since they are very common, they are often taken for granted. It is time, therefore, to recognize their health benefits and to have their nutrients fully utilized.


Berries are sweet, delicious treats and a perfect snack. They are excellent sources of multiple nutrients including flavanols, fiber, vitamins, and anti-oxidant substances.

Among those considered superfood berries are blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, goji berry, acai berry, blackberry, and strawberry. One important berry that we have taken for granted is the duhat, a local blackberry. It is loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids that keep the body working properly and protect it from free radicals. It reduces blood sugar levels and, thus, is considered a help in treating diabetes. It is also effective against urinary tract infection (UTI) because of its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Regular consumption of duhat minimizes the risk of cancer because of its substance called polyphenol. It is also a diuretic and, thus, helps facilitate bowel movement. Its juice eliminates bad breath. It is also good against gingivitis, diarrhea, indigestion, and other digestive disorders. It cleanses the liver and purifies the blood and helps stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, thus, enhancing proper digestion.


Throughout centuries and across different cultures, garlic has been used for various medicinal purposes. Recent studies show how incredibly potent the healing properties of garlic are.

Garlic lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. It has been used to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases. It prevents tumors and cancer. It protects the liver from toxic agents. It has anti-microbial, antiprotozoal, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Recent studies also indicate that garlic has beneficial effects on neuronal physiology and brain function. 

Garlic is best consumed raw and should be a little bit crushed so that it releases and activates its allinaseenzymes. These enzymes convert alliin, an amino acid in garlic, to allicin, a phytochemical cited for lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, and strengthening the immune system. Alliinase enzymes only become active when released through the slicing, chewing, chopping, or crushing of garlic. 

However, eating raw garlic is easier said than done. Its sharp taste is intolerable to many people. So, if you want to eat raw garlic, here is what you can do.

Soak garlic bulbs in a jar of honey. Make sure that the bulbs are a bit cracked to release the alliinase enzymes and the garlic oil during soaking. Soak the garlic bulbs for one to two weeks, at least. Then you can start eating them. Take two or three bulbs every day.

Meanwhile, the honey has been saturated with garlic oil and alliinase and has become medicinal. You can use it as cough syrup. It is also effective against some respiratory problems, like asthma.


Avocado is certainly a delicious tropical fruit. But it is not just delicious, it is much more. According to a blogger who tried eating one avocado a day for one month, your breath will remain fresh at all times. This is because avocado kills the bacteria that cause acids in the stomach because of poor digestion. Scientific research at Ohio State University has established that avocados can prevent the growth of tumors and cancer cells and can even treat cancer. Since avocado is loaded with potassium and other minerals, it can make your kidney and liver work efficiently. Thus, avocado is recommended for issues related to the kidney. Further, avocado increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol and triglyceride. It is loaded with vitamins such as B6, A, C, E, and K. French scientists have found out that avocado protects the eyes against macular degeneration and prevents the formation of cataracts.


It is tagged by internet bloggers as one of the top 10 healthiest foods in the world but most of us do not realize this. We continue to consider camote as lowly food. Poor farmers wrongly consider themselves unfortunate if they eat mostly camote during the lean and difficult months of the year. They do not know how lucky they are.

Camote offers a lot of dietary fiber, which is great for the health of your digestive system. It relieves indigestion and constipation. It also contains compounds that regulate blood sugar levels, thus, camote should be good news for diabetics.

It is rich in vitamin A, which protects and helps improve your eyesight. It is rich in potassium, which helps improve your cardiovascular condition. It is rich in vitamin D, which promotes good skin, bones, teeth, and heart while boosting your thyroid gland function and energy levels. It has vitamin B6 which is essential in preventing strokes and heart attacks. It has folic acid that is good for the development of the fetus in pregnant women. It has potassium that helps relieve stress from your muscles. It has iron that helps your body produce more blood to prevent anemia. It has abundant vitamin C that helps generate collagen. It has vitamin E, which improves your skin complexion and removes dark spots on your skin.

Considering these benefits, don’t you think sweet potato or camote is the perfect food for you?


Like avocado, papaya is a delicious tropical fruit. It is easily likable because it is sweet and juicy. Fortunately, for Filipinos, it is cheap and readily available in the market. It is an excellent food for keeping the body healthy and for keeping away diseases from your body.

When you eat papaya, the first and immediate result you will notice is your easy bowel movement. Papaya contains abundant fibers that loosen the stools in your gut and facilitate bowel movement.

Papaya is rich in vitamins. It has vitamin C that regulates the flow of stress hormones and keeps your stress at bay. It is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage and prevents the onset of cancer in the prostate and colon. It has vitamin A that protects your eyes, prevents vision loss, and improves your eyesight. But this is only possible if you eat papaya every day as part of your daily diet.

Papaya is good for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Our digestive system is often subject to damage because of the junk food we eat. When we go to fast food restaurants, we inevitably eat junk foods, which are harmful to our digestive system. Because of its fibers that eliminate toxins, papaya neutralizes the negative effects of junk foods and keeps our digestive system healthy. Since papaya is low in sugar content, it reduces the level of sugar in the blood. Finally, papaya helps you lose weight because it is low in calories and it satisfies your hunger for a longer time

“Sure win” foods for “sure win” health

With all these superfoods available in our midst, and within easy reach, there should be no reason to be unhealthy. Of course, food is one thing and exercise is another. Combining both should give us excellent health.

Note: This article was previously published in The Corporate Magazine, Guide and Style for Professional Magazine, Issue No. 15.

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