Sales & Marketing

Time To Plan A Launch Event

BY: Judith Rasband • Aug 02, 2022

Once you have identified a niche market to move ahead in, and have identified your ideal client, it’s time to offer them a product or service, putting it “out there” as a launch event of note.

You may consider launching a free, small, and introductory event.  Simpler, might be to launch a monthly or bi-monthly or bi-monthly newsletter to your current and ideal clients, or possibly an online/live event.  On the other hand, if already known in your community, town, or city, you might launch a major event for a significant fee, including some type of unadvertised bonus to give added value to the event.

Whatever your launch event, think ahead, and asked yourself “What’s Next?”  What you should follow up with?  Make plans for a follow-up service or activity, using the launch event as an enrollment vehicle for follow-up clients.

Targeted to one of your niche markets and aimed at your ideal client, your new newsletter or activity should pitch to the needs and benefits identified in your market research.  Your launch event funnels ideal clients into the next service or product you offer.  You can see the marketing cycle in action.

As you keep asking the question, “What’s Next?” and plan for a next, and a next, and a next event, you can see you are building or extending your pipeline.

To announce your launch event, create a one-page website, a mini-website, or an event page on social media.  This mini-website doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive.  It can be a stand-alone page or fit into an existing website you maintain.  For a new domain name, you may visit several online companies that offer a very low annual fee.   On this one page, include instructions for registering for the event.  You might et-up registration online, by email, or invite the viewer to call your office.

The key to making this launch event website or social media page work for you is to build in an auto-responder to gather the e-mail addresses of those who register for your event or opt-in for your newsletter or activity.  This is how you build your own contact list.  List building is an essential process you must engage in to build a successful business.  You can build a main list with sub-lists representing your niche markets.

Note: This article was published in The Corporate Magazine, April-May 2019 printed issue,

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