Your Nails Deserve a Regular Manicure
BY: Judith Rasband • Jun 25, 2017
“A manicure can help reduce anxiety and improve mental health.”
It’s hard to keep your nails looking attractive all year ‘round, considering all the wear and tear they go through daily. And during the cold months, nails hibernate, growing at only half their normal rate. Cold temperatures and low humidity tend to dry natural oils and leave nails brittle and more susceptible to breakage.
A weekly manicure will make it easier to control split nails and the urge to pick at rugged cuticles. It would be nice to have a professional manicure, but costly on a regular basis. With a little practice, you can learn professional manicure procedures used in expensive salons. Within a few weeks you can have a beautiful nails and hands.
Set aside time to complete your manicure all in one sitting. For speed and convenience, gather all your supplies as well as reading materials to keep you occupied during the drying period if you plan to use polish, then follow the procedures described below.
- Remove old nail polish with a cotton ball or pad dipped in oily polish remover.
- Gently shape your nails into a graceful oval with the fine grain side of an enemy board. File in one direction only, from side to center. Don’t file down into the corners or you will weaken your nails.
- Soak your fingertips in a shallow bowl of warm, sudsy water for three to five minutes to soften the cuticle and wash away any remover. Dry nails with a soft, clean towel.
- Gently push back cuticles with the blunt end of a cotton-wrapped orangewood stick. Exercise care not to push the cuticle so far that it separates from the nail.
- Trim away any hangnails or loose bits of dead skin with cuticle or nail clippers. Do not clip or cut into the cuticle.
- Massage your nails with cuticle cream, conditioner, or petroleum jelly. Rub cream into the base and sides of each nail, using the ball of your thumb in a gentle, circular motion. This will stimulate circulation and soften the cuticle. Again, gently push back your cuticles with an orange stick.
- Dip your fingertips back into the bowl of soapy water to remove any film of cream or lotion. Rinse and dry your nails.
- Buff your nails with a good chamois-covered buffer to smooth out any ridges stimulate circulation, growth and a healthy shine. Buff gently in one direction until the nails begins to shine and feel warm. Excess buffing will damage your nails.
- Apply a basecoat of clear nail enamel to provide a smooth base for your color coat and to prevent polish from discoloring your nails. Apply polish with three smooth, straight strokes-the first down the center followed by one on either side. To add strength and protect nails from ripping at the corners, brush basecoat on the underside of each nail tip. Let basecoat dry until it is slick to the touch.
- Apply colored nail enamel in two to four thin coats, striking as before. Avoid dabbing or the polish will be bumpy. Apply polish under nail top to protect and discourage peeling.
- Apply a topcoat of clear sealer, brushing under the nail tops as before.
- You may want to finish with spray-on enamel dryer to hasten drying time.
- When polish is thoroughly dry, remove any smudges or over-run polish with a cotton-wrapped orange stick or cotton-tipped swab dipped in remover.
A good manicure, with polish allowed to dry completely, should last seven to ten days.
To ensure the wear-life of your manicure, reapply a thin coat of sealer every other day