Ms. Nina Aguas, First Female CEO of Insular Life
BY: Pancho Adelberto Hubilla • May 24, 2017
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Nina D. Aguas
First Female CEO of Insular Life
‘A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else’ Unknown
The Corporate is privileged to have an interview with Ms. Nina D. Aguas, the first female and incumbent CEO of the Insular Life. She is a renowned business leader that handled senior positions of responsibilities in global and regional level businesses and operations in large international companies across both developed and emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific and the US.
As the very first female CEO of a 106-year old iconic brand that is Insular Life, how do you manage to take on this huge responsibility and expectations?
Inheriting a 106-year old company from a predecessor who has been at the helm for decades presents its own unique set of challenges, as well as opportunities. We have always been an all-Filipino institution competing in an industry dominated by foreign insurance providers, some of which are among the best in the world. Competition is good and healthy. This inspires us to continue working hard to remain top of mind with our customers. Among others, the challenge we face is keeping the institution relevant and connected with our existing policyholders, as well as reaching out and providing a compelling proposition to future generations of policyholders.
Yes, I honor and respect the past and the achievements my predecessors left behind. I have purposely made it my job to immortalize them by building on their legacy.
In the almost two years that you have been CEO of Insular, what have been your winning moments, and learnings on the business?
I can think of two most significant wins in 2016. First is with regard our outstanding over-all performance last year. We increased our profitability by 172% from P1.8 billion in 2015 to P4.9 billion in net income across the Insular Group. Our consolidated revenues reached P25 billion, up by P5 billion or 25 percent from the P20 billion in the previous year. Our assets increased by 22 % to P129 billion, and net worth of P40.3 billion from P23.7 billion. So, as our company turned 106 years old in 2016, we are also the strongest that we have ever been. This is an assurance to all our policyholders that their trust in Insular Life is well placed; we are here for them for the long haul.
What advice can you share with millennials who want to become successful in the corporate world?
It is an exciting challenge to even attempt to give advice to the millennials in the work force of today because the working environment has changed so much since my years when I was just an aspiring corporate executive. But if they can pick up something from my experience then probably it is to advise them to be diligent. Have the diligence to study, develop yourself to be the best person for the job, savor every learning opportunity, be assertive, take on new and increased responsibilities, build your network and most important of all, develop a strong work ethic — to always, always do the right thing.
Who is Nina Aguas outside of Insular?
I must say this – I am a child of God, first and foremost, I believe this is the only “forever” title one can ever own (you do not retire from being one) and one that never fades. Being a good daughter, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, a doting aunt, a best friend – being there in the moment for others completes me and gives me a sense of heaven.
Note: This is an excerpt from an interview with Ms. Nina Aguas. The full details can be read at the May issue of The Corporate, which is available at selected National Bookstore and Fully Booked branches nationwide.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]